Newly Opened, VietnameseXin Chào 😁🇻🇳Bahn mi, Pho, Spring Rolls are one of the iconic dishes of Vietnamese cuisine. Currently on a look out for my fav, Bún cha ❤️
Cafe, Breakfast & Brunch, PopularCafé HoppingsJoining in the trend of visiting cafes, thou coffee isn't really my cup of tea 😉 Indulgence once in awhile, eating like an American, sipping like a taitai, that's the life we all enjoy, don't we? Let's get hopping!
Japanese, Popular, KopitiamItadakimasu 🙏Jap jap jap! Oh you delicious Japanese food, you have always been so yummy! Sometimes you're a little pricey, sometimes you're affordable. All in all, you pay for what you get!! Let's get eating~
Late Night, Healthy, Chinese🏡. Home Sweet HomeThe comfort of home and the taste of home cooked food have never fail to brighten up my day and mood. Thank goodness I have somewhere I call "Home"
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