Ground Floor, Crowne Regency Suites, Jalan P Ramlee, KLCC
12, Jalan P Ramlee
Kuala Lumpur 50250
07:00am - 04:00am
Enjoy dining without burning a hole in your pocket, no membership required
If I had to describe this large glass of chocolate brownie milkshake in 1 word, it will be "SINFUL".
Disclaimer: I didn't drink this cuppa milkshake because I was down with one of the worst flus this whole year while on a business trip in KL. I did steal sips of it though...teehee!
Each little sip of the milkshake was mind blowing, thick, creamy and had a strong taste of chocolaty goodness with it. My Boyfriend had to stop me from drinking too much of it, least my flu gets worse.
The brownies stuck into the whipped cream were really dense and weren't really sweet. It complimented the sugar loaded milkshake really well.
Anyhooos, if you're heading to KL, do check out Gravy Baby for the other shakes that they serve, coffee and pies!! Yes, English pies!!
Creamy Fish Pie wit Mash & Spicy Boston Baked Beans, as usual their pie crust is not really that attractive, but mash and baked beans is good. Oh ya! There are some fish bones in my pie, how sad! Price range between RM20 - RM26
🍴😋 Glad they opened a branch near my office. New happy hour spot! ✌🏻️🍸#gravybaby #gravybabypies #dindins #lastnight
The most delicious pie that I’ve ever had!
#Pie #Lemonade
Disclaimer: I didn't drink this cuppa milkshake because I was down with one of the worst flus this whole year while on a business trip in KL. I did steal sips of it though...teehee!🍦 Each little sip of the milkshake was mind blowing, thick, creamy and had a strong taste of chocolaty goodness with it. My Boyfriend had to stop me from drinking too much of it, least my flu gets worse.🍫 The brownies stuck into the whipped cream were really dense and weren't really sweet. It complimented the sugar loaded milkshake really well.🍭 Anyhooos, if you're heading to KL, do check out Gravy Baby for the other shakes that they serve, coffee and pies!! Yes, English pies!! #litteduptravels #kualalumpur #cafehopping #burpplekl #sweettreat #milkshake #burpple #gravybaby #chocolatemilkshake #chocolate #fatdieme #klcafes #cafehoppingkl #kleats #malaysiacafes #malaysiaboleh