Fettucine al Granchio

$29.90 · 8 Reviews

my first bite sent me straight to pasta heaven. if you are a cream based pasta lover, or not!!!, u will definitely love this. i actually prefer aglio olio style pastas because i find cream pastas too heavy after a while but this sauce is magical.. perfect balance of creamy and light but sooo rich in flavour, with a seafood-y fragrance that’s enhanced by the fresh and fleshy lobster meat chunks scattered generously throughout the dish. also can i just mention that this was my first time trying squid ink pasta and boy am i glad it was this plate.

rating: 9.8/10


This is one dish I would highly recommend here. The sauce was delightfully creamy and although not the best rendition I've had of a tomato and cream based sauce, the generous CHUNKS of fresh lobster meat more than made up for it. Squid ink pasta was definitely one of the better ones around; no fishy taste and perfectly firm to the bite. 👌

While they are generally quite pricey, They had a ala-carte lunch buffet on Saturday at $45++ where they serve things in tasting portions so we felt it was worth a shot.
One of my favourites were their squid ink fettuccine with crab meat in their tomato cream sauce. Omg i could've eaten 10 plates of it. The pasta was al-dente and the crab came in giant chunks, not the wispy kind you get at some places. Tomato sauce wasnt too acidic but was pleasant and rich. Damn comforting.
Also check out their braised beef and pork cheeks! Skip the pizzas because its pretty ordinary. Service was good and the waiters were frank with their recommendations telling us what was better than others. :P Such candour.
Food (7/10)
Ambience (8/10)
Overall (7.5/10)


Squid ink fettuccine tossed with generous amount of fresh lobster in creamy tomato sauce. Simply magnificent! A must-try when visiting this fancy Italian fine-dining.

This was mind-blowing!! I was in food heaven the whole time I was having it. The fettuccine and sauce was superb, huge chunks of fresh crab meat further complements and elevates the taste of it. Must order, must try. You'll never regret having it.

A dependable favourite at Valentino.
