[CLOSED] PORN'S Sexy Thai Food (The Star Vista)

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1 Vista Exchange Green
#02-09 The Star Vista
Singapore 138617

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From the Burpple community

Slightly tough and the sauce was rather one dimensional as well. Probably should have been cooked longer for a better char and rendered fat

Shrimp paste taste isn't really strong and the everything wasn't well mixed resulting in some parts with a lot of shrimp paste and other parts with white rice. Onions add a surprising dimension to the dish though.

P.S. the chili is incredibly spicy. One small flake without chili seed was enough to set my mouth on fire

An extremely disappointing effort from PORN'S. The chicken and vegetables still have the raw (not fresh) smell. While the green curry tastes authentic and is actually pretty good, it still fails to save the entire dish. Do not order this.

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So we decided to try this as it's quite rare to have Tom Yum powdered fries. I would say we weren't disappointed by it but at the same time not blown away. Fries were of the shoestring variant (think McDonald's) and the Tom Yum powder gave the fries some kick. Overall, a slightly above average quality serving of fries.

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If you don't already know,porn's actually mean "blessing" in Thai! 😂 Price a little steeper than usual thai food at about $16 per person for lunch. ▪
這是昨天和朋友去教研中心前吃的午餐。對於明天就飛回國的她,its something like a farewell lunch too. 祝福這個个性大剌剌,很真的女孩子如她所願,在「年輕的時候多看看世界,吸收當地的文化」❤

昨天代表學校去參加教育研討會,人不多。分成外籍和本地學生兩組探討一些關於現有教材、上課情況考試相關以及未來教材的建議。聽了很多聲音讓我覺得我不能算是個典型新加坡本地學生了。天,從來沒想過我也會有這樣的 mini "identity crisis"。我可以理解他們的出發點但我們的位置很不一樣。真沒想到我也會有在第三空間用距離去看待事物的機會,是種新體驗。(以下省略我在研討會给的很多很多建议,希望“您“ 从善如流)最后,不管如何,希望本地學生不要对文学产生高不可攀的既定印象,只要有心,它其实离你没那么远。#慧思敏語

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"Because you are flying off tonight, so I let you have green curry." 🙄 First time having Porn's #sexythaifood and it's quite good! The papaya salad is really refreshing! And that green curry is really thick (although a bit gelard after a while) with endless amount of chicken! Phad Thai actually had a slight wok hei taste 😋 #burpple #burppletastemakers #thaifood