

Featuring Habitat Coffee, Nassim Hill Bakery Bistro Bar, The Coconut Club (Beach Road), Scaled by Ah Hua Kelong, The Quarters, Uncle Kiisu, CreatureS, DePizza, Ding Dong, IZY FOOK
The  Food Compendium
The Food Compendium

Cempedak was super funky, it goes well w the salted coconut ice cream which mellows it. The Kueh itself was ok only

Overall the theme of the meal was many new unique tastes achieved by creative combinations, which is not just the two original tastes. There's always a certain novel edge to the flavours. This place is something special and the chefs are to be looked out for in wtv new endeavours they find themselves starting

Corn tea from corn leaf and silk(mild), corn custard and glutinous rice. They use all parts of the corn, and what's special is that because of that, somehow it tastes very strongly of corn yet significantly different as well. So special

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Slight crisp, texture is a little chewy or a little hard depending on the fattiness, but what's impressive here is the ckn jus combined w the coffee oil that gives such a unique edge

The you mai cai is also the best I've had, it's grilled to give smokiness and the sweetness was brought out

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More creamy than anything actually, it's not super savoury. An interesting salad, w hints from the quail egg sauce

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The butterfish was rlly good. It's just oil and salt yet somehow the flavour was absolutely intense and suitably briny.

Which went well w the stir fried nasi ulam koshihikari rice that was well crusted on the claypot.

The fish is good enough to stand on its own as a main though

Delicious and creative and everything meshed well

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Frog legs had a nice bite, the laksa leaf was damn intense and it worked well w the funky cheese to give a whole new dimension

Abit ex for what it was, but creative it certainly was

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Today is the last day it opens. So there kind of isn't a point reviewing, except that I really wanted to record down how good a meal this was

The shima aji actually tastes like crab when you eat it w the crab fat butter. The brioche was very greasy tho and I didn't like that

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The chillies were weak.

This was very well executed though, there's some smokiness and the sweet glaze worked extremely well with the tender beef ribs

This price is pretty reasonable, since the execution is like an upscale restaurant and the portion is generous too.

We tot it wouldnt be enough for two but surprisingly what we ordered(plus 1 rice) filled us to the brim, we didn't even finish some rice and we had no space for dessert

Here's the verdict for this place:
When researching this place, I poured through many reviews(everything from burpple and maybe half of the reviews on Google). Is it going to be a atas rendition of nasi lemak that does the dish justice or is it another place that just bamboozled tourists and foreigners?

As usual the answer lies between the two extremes, I saw that many people had complaints regarding the food, so either not everything is good or they have consistency issues. The two dishes I chose were after careful consideration and they delivered, more than expectation actually. If youre coming here just for these 2, I'd say it's well worth your effort and money. Based on the reviews they seem consistent, no one said anything bad about them. If u come for other things you might very well be sorely disappointed and think it's extremely overpriced.

For these 2 dishes the pain points were worth. Pain points being the rules are seriously confusing, about where you can research and how the different levels have different menus at different times(the problem is that they overlap, during lunch both levels have the nasi lemak set, for example, I think)

Manage expectations, choose the right dishes, and this place might well be worth your time

There's some quite messy and annoying rules about nasi lemak sets being only available at some levels at some times or sth(the upper and lower levels don't have the same menu exactly)

I tot the rice wasn't special at all, peanuts and cucumbers were decent. Egg wasn't very crispy even tho it's fried on the spot. It's the ikan bilis that's absolutely delicious, quite different from normal, hard to describe but it's more atas and clean tasting yet still very lovably crunchy. Sambal was much sweeter than normal and a lot less punchy due to the amount of caramelised onions inside, I prefer normal sambal that's actually spicy

The otah though. It's very different from normal, there's such a high proportion of meat that's it's more like eating fish than otah. Jizzworthily juicy and packed w umami, really unbelievable

Must try

Quite a decent execution, with an Asian spin. The aroma of the red dates was perceptible and the bitterness worked well in the dessert

I've tried almost all their dessert, and felt that all of them were not bad but nothing too stunning


The size of the fillet and the texture seems like barramundi to me. Anyway this was well executed, the sauce was thick and rich.

Overall when it comes to our classic singaporean dishes "elevated", I feel like there's really no point unless it's quite obviously better. It shouldn't taste like literally same everything else but better ingredients, nor is it acceptable that it's any less shiok(which restaurants catering to I guess atas folk who aren't used to full on flavour are prone to doing)

I wouldn't recommend this place except for that specific group^

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The herbal soup was way too mild, the pork ribs weren't more tender or flavourful than the best bkt places(here they use USDA prime pork or sth). It's quite objectively not as good as song fa's best cuts going at half the price. I don't see the reason for this dish's existence

Only the most annoyingly accurate, the most painfully truthful reviews.

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