BURRITO BOWL THAT NEVER FAILS TO IMPRESS!! I decided to try the barramundi for a change this time and once again, the generous portions of fish and flavour-packed goodness of the bowl in its entirety made me a very happy eater. I particularly like this place because it makes me feel so full (and not in an unhealthy way) and it doesn't cost as much as many other Mexican places out there. Adding guac is a must for me because I love my avocado and the sauces that they offer for self service is pretty good too (I like the mild one best!). I can't wait to try tho other menu items there soon because I've only had their burrito bowls so far, but the quesadillas did look pretty appealing too!
My first time having a burrito bowl and it was fantastic! The chicken was flavourful and under the chicken, the rice is filled with a hearty amount of beans etc. I had my burrito bowl with a side of guacamole which was commendable as well. Overall a very filling dish, much more filling than I expected!
Level 3 Burppler · 17 Reviews