The secret to a great burger is always the patty. However, in this case, all components did shine. The patty that we had is The Beef Bomb, or a combination of Chuck and Short Rib. On the left corner is named The Piggy. The patty is topped with crisp bacon, and underneath is a well-orchestrated combination of lettuce, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and barbecue sauce. On the other hand is The Hangover. The latter has surprised me a little because this was the first time I encountered a gourmet burger with an egg cooked sunny-side-up (of course this is way too far from those street-side burgers I used to enjoy back in college when budget for food depends on my Mom's mercy). At first I thought it won't work. But the first bite was really unforgettable. It is an edible dynamite that exploded inside my mouth gracefully and with strong ignition in each churn. The lettuce and the dressing did compliment the flavor of the patty and the egg balances the texture of the whole thing. All that we ordered originally comes with a Sesame Seed Bun. But we asked the chef to replace it to Brioche. And voila! The bun worked well with the flavors inside the burger, further enhancing the juicy texture of the patty, as well as the array of tastes that come from the other components. This Burger Bar over at Greenbelt 2 is a must-try for foodies out there. Its definitely spot-on!