Project: Healthy
That's the actual name for this dish. A balanced meal (small portion) consisting of brown rice, veggie & lean chicken. It's healthy but not so delish.
Earl grey infused cookies. Addictive.
I think I could live on Calorie Mate alone. Drink Weider just because Yamashita Tomohisa starred in the CM (Lame excuse, I know).
Plain old porridge.
Green tea soba & tempura for lunch. Not that tempura is healthy (it's deep fried food anyway) but green tea soba...I consider it's health & nutritious. ;) Taste just a little bit above OK for the soba. Tempura is just average, Sushi Tei needs to step their game up since there'll be lots of authentic Japanese restaurants to open their stores in 2013.
Level 7 Burppler · 495 Reviews
A little of everything.