Said to be the best tau sar pau in Singapore, but I think I've had better ones! Though this wasn't too bad, fluffy and filled with smooth red bean paste (which was slightly oilier than the usual kind tho, such that it didn't really stick to my teeth). But a tad too pricey for my liking at $2.50 per bun. I can buy cheaper handmade ones at Hawkers at a fraction of the price!
Although these 🍑 peach-shaped paus were already unbelievably cute, it was this tear shot which made it form a ❤️ heart shape which truly made me go 'Awwww'. It's rare to come across handmade paus nowadays, but they always (in my opinion) taste better than the packaged ones. I think it really is the effort and love the Uncle puts in to make the pau that makes it taste good. The paus here are really tiny tho - so be sure to get a couple to fill you up!
Level 7 Burppler · 215 Reviews
Huge sweet-tooth, and yes - I do attempt to eat dessert for every meal.