I really loved this! (Although it's a little pricey, RM6.90 after tax). The puff itself is really light and crispy, and the cold chocolate cream filling is not too decadent, it's light, not too sweet, kind of like a iced chocolate drink. It's sprinkled with some icing sugar and cocoa powder, and the puff is relatively big so when you try to take a bite of it, don't inhale too deep or you'll cough your lungs out like I did 😂
It was really good.
On the board, the menu tells you that it's made of Oreo, espresso, chocolate ice cream, (and milk?). The chocolate doesn't really shine through, and it shouldn't since it's an 'espresso shake', it just gives the drink a certain richness I guess? You can really taste the espresso which makes me so happy. The Oreo crumbs add a nice dimension to it, since they weren't blitzed into the finest crumbs, and most of them were sprinkled on the top so they stay crunchy 👌🏼 I really loved the richness and thickness of this shake, I was genuinely surprised at how thick it was in my first sip, very unusual drink! I'm the person that's Starbucks all the way but this drink is making me think twice 🤔
[RM16 tax inclusive]
Booza is a tiny little stall right opposite Gong Cha and the ice skating rink. It's literally just one tiny pushcart, I didn't even notice it the first time we walked pass.
It costs RM6 for 1 scoop and RM10 for 2 scoops. They have a few basic favors: chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, durian and possibly a couple more that I didn't pay attention to. I'm not sure if you're supposed to be able to mix flavors for a single scoop cone but I managed to get it, so I mixed durian with chocolate. A good thing about this ice cream is that it's not overly sweet nor rich. But that being said, it tasted like cheap Wall's/ Magnolia ice cream. It wasn't creamy at all, quite icy and almost tasteless. I guess what would attract people is the way they scoop their ice cream-- with a long metal rod-thing. I definitely feel like it's not worth RM6, a little gimmicky if I must say. Go to McD and get yourself a cheap and delicious soft serve instead.
It's good, but not great. Doesn't really have the entire punch of a good bowl of cendol, more like just the brown sugar syrup on the ice kind of taste. I like that it's not overly sweet though!
Finally got to try this and I must say that it doesn't disappoint! First bite had a very strong yogurt tanginess but I got used to it after a few spoons. The Sanum that comes with 3 fruits, 2 crunch, 1 sauce, and I chose dragonfruit, mango, kiwi, Crunch, Oreo, topped with dark chocolate sauce. I wish they had strawberry but I hear that the toppings kinda vary day to day outlet to outlet? I honestly don't really recommend the Crunch brand crunch topping, it didn't really work with the froyo, at least for me.
Definitely going back for more!
Definitely worth the try 😋
Had this for the first time and I totally get the hype! It's just the right creaminess, coconut taste definitely noticeable, very refreshing. For the largest choice, it comes with 4 scoops of ice cream, 3 toppings, and some coconut flesh on the bottom. The ice cream scoops although were small, but they were really packed so there's actually more than you think! The toppings I chose were coconut flakes, corn, and chopped peanuts. Went really well together! Definitely coming back for more!
Fanciest French toast I've had so far! Brioche French Toast topped with espresso ice cream, berry compote, mocha sauce, some seeds and crumbles.
Overall I love this dish, how unconventional it is, using espresso ice cream instead of the typical vanilla and chocolate. I really loved the tangy berry compote! It just goes so well with everything! I just wish that they put more on the plate hahaha. Everything was great but I honestly don't get the crumbles. The hard chunks didn't taste of much, some even slightly bitter. When I eat my French toast, I want to be able to poke my fork in for a less messy consumption. But the crumbles made it practically impossible to do so. Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong? If anyone knows a better way to devour all these components, please let me know!
She really lives up to the hype! 👍🏼 The waffle when it's fresh and warm, together with the ice cream and fruits, it just goes so well together, somehow very refreshing. I haven't had too much experience with Earl Grey but it goes really well with the fruity combination. Although it was really good, I thought the portion was quite big. Two waffles for two was enough for a filling lunch. I definitely wouldn't be able to finish one whole waffle on my own as one could get a little 'jelat'. Maybe I'm not too used to the Earl Grey flavor and the EG ice cream was not very subtle at all, perfect for those who love EG though! Definitely going back to try different dishes!
Chocolate crepe filled with dark chocolate filling, with orange caramel drizzle around it, topped with vanilla ice cream. The filling was not too sweet at all, but neither did it have the intensity of dark chocolate, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing at all for this dish. I didn't think that the orange caramel drizzle went too well with the crepe but it was something different! The ice cream on top was so good! It tasted like the long-ago discontinued Sara Lee vanilla ice cream which I miss dearly, if you know what I'm talking about. Apparently Strangers used New Zealand Natural Ice Cream! Major thumbs up for not using Nestle or Walls 👍🏼
Level 5 Burppler · 70 Reviews
Taking my natural Malaysian foodie instincts to NYC ✌🏼️
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