But close enough?
And on an unrelated note, I realized that maintaining my fitness is hard. And the hardest part isn't the waking up at 5am to head to the gym, but more so on the dieting side. The amount of junk I eat is insane and it's probably due to the whole illusion that I won't get fat as long as I exercise 4-5 times weekly.
Was it worth the hype? Maybe. Since queueing is our national past time anyway. But this ramen tasted like a bowl of Japanese lobster bisque, with ramen in it. It was pretty well balanced and it came with two lobster balls stuffed with lobster meat, lobster meat wanton(?), and both chicken and pork chasu. It definitely looked like an overkill but it was well worth the calories, plus TGIF!
This guy picked up photography around the same time as me almost 10 years ago, but unlike him I closed that door many years ago. Seeing him as a professional photographer gave me that tinge of nostalgia of chasing this dream, and also the tinge of regret for not persevering in chasing that dream. So there I was later sitting in a cafe, holding the very same camera I did 10 years ago, taking pictures of food and thinking of what could've/would've been.
Lovin' their creme brûlée latte
#cafefestsg #cafehoppingatcafefest
Still loving their earl grey lavender.
Level 4 Burppler · 38 Reviews