Ordered #wedding #treats made by yours truly.. #blessed #TYL #TGBTG #hobby #cupcakes #cookies #macarons #june2014
Light #brunch today! #Jcodonuts #freedrink #cheatday #needtorun #apr2014
#breakfast #applejacks #mar2014
Catching up at @grumpyjoerestaurant #goodfood #dinner #musttry #pangbenga #feb2014
I may not be good for someone but i'll be the best for those who deserve me :) #blessed #love #joy #simplest #best #Christmas2013 #13thChristmastogether #mine #heartkeeper #kitchenduties #busy #hobby #chef #baker #chefmode #eggs #tyl #proudgirlfried #dec2013
"Anytime you have chance to meet with old friends, greet them sincerely. This is one easy way to build relationship by utilizing unexpected moments"
A handful of surprises and a luggage of memories tonight from my pharmily.. Thank you and a blessed Christmas! :) #blessed #pharmacy #pharmily #dinner #Christmas2013 #slu #gifts #giftgiving #surprises #memories #dec2013
Happy lunch everyone! #blessed #hobby #chefmode #ranch #smoothie #osterph #greensalad #grilledchicken #healthyfood #mexican #lunch #nov2013
Addicted to Singapore's healthier choice.. Good morning, great thursday ahead! #blessed #milo #breakfast #nofilter #nov2013
Saved the best for last :) #singapore #lastnight #latenight #friends #marinabay #merlion #dinner #makansutra #gluttonsbythebay #gardensbythebay #supertree #train #nov2013
Mushroom overload for dinner :) #blessed #cooking #chefmode #hobby #dinner #mushroom #buttered #stirfry #oystersause #instacollage #nov2013
Sembreak day2: Baked moist cupcakes and creamy oregano pasta.. Ready for the holiday season! #love #hobby #chefmode #kitchen #cooking #baking #moistchoco #bakedpasta #food #holiday #inspiration #motivation #imissmykitchen #instacollage #oct2013
Loading endorphins for a stressful week.. :| #destressing #dessert #happyme #endorphins #endorphanatic #notguilty #hersheys #milkchocolate #symphony #almonds #toffee #giant #nosharing #sept2013