12 grains n gravy with sunny side up eggs n side of banana n strawberries
Natures detoxifier n great to cook with line TINOLA...condition, controls blood pressure, relieves headaches and migraines.Malunggay tea can help strengthen the eye muscles.Malunggay tea can help heal inflammation of the joints and tendons.Malunggay teacan prevent intestinal worms.Malunggay can help increase semen count.Malunggay help normalize blood sugar level therefore preventing diabetes.Malunggay has anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals) thathelp stop the growth of cancer cells.Malunggay helps relax and promotes good night sleep.Malunggay tea is used to treat fever and asthma.Malunggay help heals ulcers.Malunggay is high in calcium (fourtimes the calcium in milk), therefore lactating mothers are advised to consume malunggay leaves to produce more milk for their babies. The young malunggay leaves are also boiled and taken astea.Malunggay contains three times the potassium in bananas.Malunggay contain four times the vitamin A in carrots.An ounce of malunggay has the same Vitamin C content as seven oranges.Malunggay leavescontain two times the protein in milk.Malunggay seed is used to clean dirty or polluted water. Source -- hub pages
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