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From the Burpple community

Pinoy treats from batch 1! Mango sago, wine cream jelly slice ü #pinoytreats #pastry #instafood

Free food from short course! Party in our tummy hihihi! #food #iscahm #piccollage

Tiramisu. #tiramisu #cake #dessert #sweet #sweettooth #pastry #food #foodart #garnish #pastry #patisserie #instafood #iscahm #iscahmpastry #iscahmcebu

Apple fritters #fritters #dessert #sweet #sweettooth #pastry #food #foodart #garnish #pastry #patisserie #instafood #iscahm #iscahmpastry #iscahmcebu

Crepe suzette #crepe #crepesuzette #hotdessert #dessert #sweet #sweettooth #pastry #food #foodart #garnish #pastry #patisserie #instafood #iscahm #iscahmpastry #iscahmcebu

Snow eggs with vanilla sauce #snoweggs #dessert #sweet #sweettooth #pastry #food #foodart #garnish #pastry #patisserie #instafood #iscahm #iscahmpastry #iscahmcebu