Ichiran as in the best right? Yes, you are correct! Cheating a bit when I categorise under 'Kansai Japan' but they do have branches in Osaka and Kyoto with the exact same standards so...! 🤗
You've probably heard of it. A tad bit of a wait because 'good things must wait' as we Singaporeans know it. A vending machine for your ramen ticket. Solo booths for your individual ramen experience. You get to choose soft/hardness of noodles, how flavourful you want the broth to be and even spiciness (from the chilli powder depicted above). Hand it over, wait a moment and then a magical bowl is served to you by an anonymous server; you can only see his/her hands, and a bow from the little window as he/she wishes you an enjoyable meal. God bless every mouthful of these glorious noodles! 😭❤
P.S. If you are typical chilli-addicted Singaporean go ahead and add a lot! I had about quadruple of this amount of chilli powder (yas the option was available.... or I probably just wrote a number), the next time my broth was red and got 'kick' one HAHAHA OOPS 😚