Now, while Old Fashioned-s are still the only whisky cocktails I will drink, I was very nearly sold on whisky highballs at the Glenfiddich Live event.

The one that came closest to sealing the deal was the Glenfiddich 18 Year Highball. One part Glenfiddich 18, three parts soda water, one stick of cinnamon, and it’s a thoroughly enjoyable and rather refreshing cocktail. The subtle sweetness and spice of the cinnamon infused well with the rich, oaky smoothness of the whisky, and the soda water overwrote the alcohol within the whisky so we could taste the more subtle flavors.

However, I would’ve preferred it if there was less soda water (perhaps two parts instead of three), as the whisky was very watered down, and the cocktail was quite fizzy. But then again, with a beautiful old girl like a Glenfiddich 18, I’d rather savor her naked, just the way she was made.

Thanks for the invite, Burpple!