This is a blend of osmanthus and alisan teas ($3.60 for medium) with konjac jelly (+$0.60) at 25% sugar level.
The refreshing lightness of the high-quality alisan melded well with the osmanthus' distinctively floral flavor. The entire drink was a tad too floral for me, as I am not a fan of overly floral flavor. But it was still a fantastic thirst-quencher, perfect in the afternoon heat or for washing down spicy or greasy lunches. The konjac added a playful, chewy mouthfeel and a subtle sweetness to the drink but its lack of flavor meant that I could still taste all the complexities of the drink.
I really enjoyed my first Yuancha experience and could tell it was drink produced with much thought and care. And I like the thought that I am supporting a homegrown brand :)