Spurred by two chefs hailing from Hokkaido, this ramen shop at the new One Space cooks up the prefecture's specialty Spicy Miso Zangi Ramen (fried chicken ramen, RM34.90). Don't let the steep price tag dissuade you — the big-on-value portion is good to share between two light eaters. Ramen noodles are laid deep into the bowl, followed by its mildly spicy pork bone broth, chashu, marinated soft boiled egg and bamboo shoots. On top of all that goes two large chicken thighs, batter-fried to juicy succulence. While its smaller components like the chashu and egg seem to fall short of expectations, the mainstay of noodles in stocky broth and scrumptious fried chicken are enough to make this a very enjoyable experience for rainy day dinners. Look to the menu for other hale, hearty ramen dishes, from Western-inflected Chicken Confit Spicy Miso (RM34.90) to a simple Tonkotsu (RM24.90).
Avg price per person: RM35