@wanhelou Thai Coconut Pudding ($11.90++ per serving) has earned the ultimate Asian praise for a dessert: not too sweet. Coconut pudding is topped off with coconut ice cream, which may sound overwhelmingly coconut-y, but it was delicately balanced.⠀
The coconut pudding proper was very mild tasting, only possessing a subtle sweetness of coconut. The gelatine was bouncy, firm yet yielded under a reasonable pressure. The coconut ice cream was where most of the sweetness in the dessert was derived from, and it’s a delightful dessert. It’s full of the sweetness of coconut, it’s creamy, and it’s the ideal ice cream. The coconut pudding provides the texture of the dessert while the ice cream provides the flavour, and both work in concert to make this Thai Coconut Pudding an enjoyable ending to any dinner at Wan He Lou.⠀
Wan He Lou’s dessert menu section is aptly titled as ‘The Conclusion - Sweet Memories’, and I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Once again, thank you so much for having us @wanhelou, and thank you @thestephaniebenedetti for organising this!