This was my first time coming back to chomp chomp since the reopening, the first store that i tried was their oyster omelette. As i saw many people ordering from that store, i also went ahead and got a plate of oyster omelette. I ordered the $5 one as i did not see anyone going for the bigger portions, maybe its because its not worth the upsize i guess. The wait was relatively long, which was kind of expected due to the amount of orders. I waited for around 20mins before my food arrvied. At first glance, the oyster omelette did not look that appetising, i took the first bite and it was just 'meh~' it did not taste that fantastic, in my opinion, the oyster omelette was a bit too bland and lack of taste. Personally i liked it to be a bit more crispy so that there was more texture. Maybe i was unlucky but i found egg shells in my oyster omelette, not just like 1 small bit, it was a big piece of egg shell. In my honest opinion don't get it from this store, i am pretty sure there are other better ones.

Do you have home delivery