I will not take any risk to try others(who wants to waste their calories on second-best KFC?not me for sure!) unless they are recommended by my trusted foodie friends. This picture says it all! 🍗🍖
With its third branch at Chinatown Point, it is comforting to know that the standard of all the chicken dishes(except the Nest Snow which I stopped after just a bite 😣) still stays the same.
When my friends from overseas are in Singapore for visit, I will confirm bring them here. Mark my words. #EileenWantsToCampHereForever #EileenFoodTasting #TakeMyMoney #ChirChir #ChirChirSg #KoreanFriedChicken #KFC #Burpple #BurppleSg #FriedChicken

I love chir chir too!
Zi Heng Tay hahaha!same here!!Chir Chir's standard is pretty hard to beat!