Hadn’t been back to Prodigal Cafe in quite a while — glad how they have also managed to have found a new home where they are in collaboration with Gather The Misfits at Rangoon Road where they are dishing out their delicious pizzas in the evenings from 6:30pm to 10:30pm from Wednesday to Sunday.
Spotted a new creation hiding their display fridge on my recent visit here — the Pandan Coconut Cream Cheese Tart; not sure if this was an item to be rotated around (just like many of their bakes) or if it was an item to be available most of the time. Whatever it is though, the Pandan Coconut Cream Cheese Tart is likely to become a favourite of Kaya lovers — there is this familiar note of the Nyonya coconut jam that starts off pretty subtly as one consumes the tart; the cream cheese providing the curd with a richness being all luscious and smooth and as a base to the Pandan Coconut-infusion and provided for a slightly tangy finish at the end. The tart base is also fairly well-made; holds up pretty well to being sliced with a fork, and maintains its structural integrity without being biscuit-y and dry.
Prodigal Cafe is a spot that I should have made more often visits, though it being closed on Sundays make it a little tough for me to plan visits on weekends where I am usually only available to cafe-hop. That said, I am still pretty impressed by what they are able to put out since their days as Prodigal Roasters under a HDB block in Ang Mo Kio — be it their coffee, to their iconic Miso Cheese Tart and their brunch mains introduced at Prodigal Cafe. Looking forward to drop by Rangoon Road for some great pizza some day — something that I should be adding into the itinerary pretty soon!