Come evening, most if not all the stalls would have already closed except for one, Sin Ho, which comes to life for their wok frying skills. I have previously reviewed them a few times over the past years and I am happy to say that even till now, their standard and consistency is still top notch. Dare I say, they might even have the best har cheong gai aka prawn paste chicken in this area and beyond. The small portion comes with 6 pieces of well marinated chicken pieces that you will totally not regret ordering, and in fact will want even more after finishing it. Some places either have a thick batter or the marination is not able to seep through into the meat, but here at Sin Ho, everything works from the crispy outer to the juicy meat texture. For people who are not able to accept prawn paste chicken due to the pungent aroma, give this a try as the prawn paste is not super heavy, in-your-face kind of intensity.
✨ Sin Ho
📍 216 Bedok North Street 1, Unit 01-75, Singapore 460216
🍴 [Not Sponsored]

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