when I first tried Creamier a few years ago, I immediately fell in love with their waffles. eating it again today after a long time, I was glad that the waffles remained as yummy as I’d remembered. lightly crisp and golden on the outside while remaining warm and fluffy on the inside, it was already a joy to consume the waffles on their own. the buttery, milky fragrance of the waffles was distinct and comforting, accompanied with their textural lightness.
meanwhile, I also managed to try their 4 basic ice cream flavours. my personal favourite was the chocolate; it had a hint of dark chocolate which I like along with a rich texture. the sea-salt gula melaka came a close second as I appreciated how the salty and sweet flavours balanced out to give a salted caramel-esque finish. as for the thai milk tea flavour, it was a well done ice cream rendition of the drink and was highly reminiscent of it, which makes it a safe choice for people who can’t decide between flavours. last but not least, the earl grey lavender boasted a floral fragrance throughout the dessert while maintaining a light flavour which is good as it does not weigh down one’s palate. all in all, I really like Creamier’s ice creams as they have really smooth yet substantial textures that are full of flavour while not being too sweet.
also, the service staff were really friendly and helpful in assisting us with taste testing!
rating: 4.3/5