The shio pan kinda tastes like a croissant, except a non-flaky one. It has a very buttery, almost pastry-like taste to it.
The amount of peanut butter inside is ehhhhh. Could be better. Though that could also just be my fat ass talking. I'm used to being spoiled by breads that are stuffed to the brim with filling ok, so the amount of pb in here wasnt all that satisfactory for the price but whateverrr I accept it. The pb is really sweet, probably the sweetest pb I've ever had! It's soft and the peanut taste isn't super strong cuz of the sweetness but it's still soso delicious.
This was a super solid bread, definitely doesn't taste healthy cuz of the butteriness and the sweetness but hey, life is all about enjoying what you eat and I enjoyed this so if you're a peanut butter and cow butter lover, give this a try and I'll manifest a well-stuffed shio pan for you 😇
⭐ Rating: 8.9/10 sugared peanuts
🤑 worth the price: yes
🦖 would I buy again: yes
💍 would I marry: yes