Shown here is the “BEFORE” and “AFTER” of the three kinds of ribeye from the U.K., the U.S. and Japan that I had for my birthday celebration.
Executive Chef Greg did a formal presentation before whisking the raw meats into the kitchen for Chef Kelvin Teo and his team to transform them into a platter of exceedingly delicious steaks.

A short while later after we had demolished a few appetisers (separate posts about those to come soon), the ribeyes reappeared with instructions to eat them in a certain sequence. This was to ensure each was savoured at its optimum. I loved how this allowed for side-by-side comparison and a never-before lucidity to discern and appreciate their individual taste profiles. In other words, I got to feed my brain as I feasted - how cool is that 😊

As with any good steakhouse, the sides, sauces and condiments play vital roles. But it did seem like all stops were pulled at my birthday dinner because I couldn’t see the table surface for all the little jugs, jars and saucers that conquered it. Thank you very much for that, Chef Greg 🤗