$5.90 for an ice cream called the Black Pearl? I raised both eyebrows at the price of admission, but curiosity got the better of me. Now, I have no regrets whatsoever. The soft serve vanilla ice cream is hands down the best and freshest I've had thus far, and his best mates Gianduia Syrup and Cocoball Topping make for a very, VERY indulgent ice cream that would have nuns and mums tutting in disapproval. The chocolatey Gianduia syrup getting too sweet? No problemo, that's what some sea salt is there for. With all the crunching from the cocoball topping along with the sweetness and occasional salty surge, this was a sure fire winner. This decadent dessert is somehow best enjoyed to the strains of the innuendo-laden I'm Your Man, crooned gently by Michael Buble. Don't question it, just enjoy it.