If you are at Toa Payoh, remember to drop by Benson Salted Duck at Lorong 1! Unlike the more commonly seen braised or roasted duck, Salted Duck is less spotted in SG, like the distant cousin you only see once a year at every CNY family gathering. That said, its lower profile doesn’t quell the moderately long queues or its popularity, given only half a duck was left when I reached 12-ish p.m. 🦆⁣

You can eat the duck as is to enjoy the unadulterated briney savoriness, or squeeze in the lime and eat it together with the preserved veg & chilli for a flavour explosion. I read that they first poach the duck with spices to remove the characteristic gamey taste and then submerge it in iced salted water to impart a tender meat texture - similar to how poached chicken is prepared! My only gripe is that it does not have white rice, which would have been the perfect palate cleanser.⁣