When I saw the lemon meringue tart in the display after I ordered my food and drink, I regretted. But because the food wasn't that filling, I decided to #YOLO and order the tart because I love lemon meringue tarts and I would order them whenever I see them in a new cafe.

But sadly, the meringue was not the stiff kind of meringue that I'm used to eating. It was kinda liquid-y, and it came with a small thimble of whiteness which I assumed is sugar because it tasted sweet (yes I didn't try asking the staff again). I would scoop some and put it on the tart.

As for the lemon, it wasn't hardly sour, but then again I can take sour stuff quite well.

All in all, it's the most disappointing lemon meringue tart that I had so far. But if you like it sweet with just that hint of sourness then maybe it's the thing for you.