Le Pannosia is a hidden Little Tokyo amidst the SS15 shop lot complex. This restaurant is ran by a Japanese - Indo family. The place is very homey and cozy, just like a Japanese homes in common. Most of the customers having meal here are Japanese, even I know this place from a friend who lives with a Japanese family. Looks like the place is quite exclusive to Japanese community.
The menu is ranged from Japanese to Indonesia food. My friends ordered the Indonesian food whereas I ordered a Japanese style gratin (RM12). After a long wait, I finally got to have a really good gratin! The sauce is creamy and filled with a very generous amount of cheese.
I took a sip of my friend's soto (RM12) and rawon soup (RM9) and it was also very good and flavorsome, even the rawon soup was better than the one I had in my favorite Indonesia food stall.
I honestly didn't expect that all the food could be that good. Had a chat with the chef who is a Japanese uncle who is also fluent with Indonesian. He cooks all the Japanese dish and her Javanese-Indonesian wife cooks all the Indonesian food. He is very warm and friendly, and I can't forget when he apologized too much for serving my gratin late. Yes, I found yet another cozy place to have meal and hang out with friends in Le Pannosia.