The queue for this popiah is ALWAYS LONG whenever I'm on the way to 321 Clementi. So when there were only 4 people queuing the other day, I JUMPED IN.
BUT. I still waited for 30 min ☹ as I got closer to the stall owner (this cute elderly lady), I soon understood why. Some would say she's just plain slow, I think she's just taking her time as the world goes by ~ 2 people behind me in the queue left because *time is money* (but good food needs time 💸)
When it was my turn, she started talking to me too (cute), and I found out that she's 73 and has been working here since 1993! Told her I was born in 1995 lol. She really takes her time to make the popiah, cooking small batches of bean sprouts to continuously refill and making sure the filling stays warm. That was some good popiah that took some waiting 👍🏻