Embarked on a journey to the far flung lands of Bedok just for a taste of this humble western coffeeshop stall helmed by ex-wooloomooloo chef Jimmy Teo. We were tempted to get the Wellington but eventually decided on the chicken chop! It comes plated simplistically and looking absolutely tantalizing; taste-wise, a little charred on the edges, but chomp through the crust and you’ll be rewarded with juicy, tender flesh that is simply oozing with juices! Yet, what really elevates the dish is the capsicum & pesto sauce - a zesty, loaded combination that cuts through the meatiness with its aromatic tang.

The sides were really enjoyable too, but chef Jimmy switches things up every so often so take note: you might not get what I had😚 Essentially microgreens & spinach leaves layered over some wedges and wild mushrooms that are sautéed to perfection. These baby fungi poppers “pop” in your mouth and you can literally feel the warm flavours spread across your tongue😍 You’ll definitely get a happy belly at the end of this meal!!