Mochi is nice! Chewy and stretchy, p comparable to the nice mochi bread shops’ mochi (muyoo, WPC). Red bean filling tastes q pure / natural, not rly sweetened, which I like.
This has been the best version of their bread I’ve tried - I find that their bread, while soft, typically has a weird yeasty smell. This is my third time trying (ok their shop is rly convenient for me, I’m not usually that inclined to try again after a 2nd bad experience) and the first 2 times the unpleasant yeasty smell was quite a turnoff, but this time it was much better, albeit still a little yeasty. This is a reminder to myself that my sis and I will not be trying their breads anymore! If u can overlook the bread taste the filling (this red bean one in particular, can’t be sure of all) is actually pretty ideal - good mochi & lightly sweetened red bean.