Beef Flank Steak

$28.00 · 3 Reviews

This was a special on the board.

Chimichuri was amazing!! Tremendously enhanced the flavor of the meat, which was slightly chewy and a tad fatty. Would prefer the sweet potato mash to be firmer with a more fibrous texture. Didn’t help that it was sitting in a pool of olive oil, soothing out the mash even further.


It really took me a long while to give this a try — finally had it because this comes as a weekend special that comes in limited servings. This certainly did not disappoint in true South Union Park style — the Flank Steak is pretty lean while chewy but absolutely tender with a smoky crust while it sits atop a sweet potato mash that provides a flavour contrast against the meat. The olive oil manages to smoothen the sweet potato mash a bit for a more luscious feel, binds it well with both sweet potato and the beef to cut the sweetness and meatiness of the dish to ensure everything rounds of nicely. Another new found favourite at the favourite place for well-executed, delicious, fare made with the heart and from scratch.

heard so much about this restaurant and the flank steak (that is only served from Friday til Sunday, by the way) that i had to trudge through a Friday downpour and wet shoes to try this. and indeed it lived up to the hype. the flank steak ($28) was lean as it should be (no one ever calls a flank fat) and full of beefy goodness. there was a slight char, always a bonus, and it was nicely pink on the inside. difficult to fault the sweet potato mash, smooth without lumps and very more-ish. plus WHO DOESN'T LIKE CARBS?????

With no GST and service charge, i foresee myself coming back here regularly 😬
