Always wanted to try out their food and i finally made it. Please make reservations in advanced because they are always crowded and luckily, they accept walk ins. However, subjected to seat availability.

I did not manage to make a reservation in advance but thankfully, the staff was kind enough to accept us in. My friend and i were informed that there was a seat indoors however the next reservation would arrive in 45 mins. We agreed and consumed our food within 45 mins. Of course, we were offered the outdoor seating too but it was too humid. The outdoor area was surrounded by the walls and there was not much fan, so it was quite hot. Actually, their indoor seating was not that cooling and not much seats either.

My friend and i ordered the Scallop and Cold Pasta ($22), Kookoo V2 ($22), white coffee (8oz - $5.50) and white cold brew ($9). The pasta was delicious. First time trying a cold pasta and i must say, the truffle taste and aroma was the main component that made the food tasty. Kookoo V2 was nice too, love the rosti. Even though it was placed on top of other mushy and wet ingredients, the rosti remained crispy. All the other ingredients put together made the dish complete. The coffee drinks was nothing fancy.

I noticed they do not offer much meat items. Perhaps, they focused more on vegetables and healthy eating. I wanted to try the mac and cheese croquettes, unfortunately it was sold out. Actually many of their food items were sold out by 2pm? That was quite disappointing. The alcoholic drinks menu was not extensive but the name of their drinks intrigued me. However, due to time constrain, i was not able to try it. Including their desserts. Overall, I'd rate a 6.5/10. Nice try!

Had their lunch which they offer a set lunch of 3 courses at the price of about $45? I would say it's of reasonable price.
My partner ordered the set lunch. Appetiser, he got the Caesar salad which I think was really good. With the touch of the onsen egg, it added more smooth and creamy texture to the salad. The lettuce was fresh and the Caesar dressing was good. The main course was a Chicken 'Kiev', a Russian style stuffed chicken? I believe the stuffing was uni butter inside the fried chicken breast. I didn't like it as much but I like the batter of the fried chicken. It was served with baby spinach and water melon radish - very interesting! Dessert was a choco tart and one can never go wrong with it. It was really creamy, thick and tasty
I didn't order the set lunch but I got the Duck Confit from their lunch ala carte menu. First time trying Duck Confit and it blew my mind. Didn't know it will taste this good, even with the lentils! I don't normally eat beans or lentils but these lentils were cooked so good and tasty, I finished it up. Duck has a crispy skin and tender meat inside, well cooked. Slightly salty though.
The restaurant has a really warm and comfortable setting with stunning decor. Service was good and overall, I'd give this a 8/10? Thank you for the food. I might come back for more (:

Finally I manage to visit this cafe and I must say, I really love everything about it. From the menu design, the variety of food they offer, the decor of the cafe and I think that it's worth the money too! Spent about $69+ for 3 food items and 2 drinks. So here is our order:

*The Gentleman's Relish ($16.50) + Italian Sausages ($4)
My partner tried this and he loves it! The relish was something uncommon to find in other cafes so I think that it was a good try. The scrambled eggs were cooked perfectly - fluffy, buttery and smooth. The sausages were really tasty as well.
*Summer Chicken Stew ($18)
This was so good, I finished the entire bowl. The chicken was so tender and the broth was all infused into the meat, it was really tasty and the rosemary aroma was so strong. I think that even without the toast, it would still be a fantastic dish. The toast was good to dip and soak up the gravy.
*Honey Butter Tater tots ($12.50)
Wow this was really good! Worth the money and calories haha. I don't think other cafes offer this as well so I think they really did a good job for this.

Overall verdict: 8.5/10
The menu was really extensive, you wouldn't know what exactly you wanna order because like me, I wanted to try everything hahaha. But I would definitely come back to try the other foods, like their pasta. The drinks menu was also pretty extensive and I tried their iced toffeenut latte. I think it was average only, I couldn't taste the toffeenut. Service was not as fast and because the space was quite small, it was quite noisy when within the cafe when it gets crowded. They have outdoor seating too which looks really cute and cosy. Location wise, it is very near to botanic gardens MRT station. So it's convenient and it was a good location.

Thanks for the experience! Will definitely return for more 😁😁

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I loved the entire ambience and decoration of the cafe! Loved how spacious and minimalistic the place is. A great place for gathering and to do work. Service staff was attentive and polite. The food was impeccable. Ordered the Mentaiko Mac and Cheese for less than $20. Totally love the fusion of the dish. Spent a total of $93+ for 3 dishes, a side dish of Truffle fries ($9) and 3 drinks. Lastly, I loved the coffees offered at the cafe. Will definitely return for more (:

Upon entering the shop, it was quite small with limited seats. I suggest you make a reservation in advanced and I did so using the Quandoo app! So convenient. The kitchen was just directly behind the seats, so I think my hair reeked of the cooking smell after I left the shop. But that was okay because...

I absolutely love the steak!!! I ordered the ribeye steak which was about $30++ and I must say it was quite a good portion. It also comes with mash, salad and roasted tomatoes, which was very tasty too! I ordered medium rare for the steak and I'm glad it was cooked so well, there was not much of the red juices oozing out. Paired it with the caramelised onion sauce was a good combo.

Currently they have a 30% discount during lunchtime from 1-4pm, so the overall bill was worth it! I think their steak quality and cooking skill is much better than most others that are selling at higher prices. Service was okay as well. I'd definitely come back again!

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When I came, I could not locate where the cafe is at exactly. When I finally found it, I didn't know where was the entrance door lol. I can overlook these both. So my friend and I ordered two sets of Butcher's daughter which cost about $14 for each plate? It consists of beef slices where we can decide on the done-ness. I chose medium rare and it was really good! Not dry but juicy and tasty! The fries was seasoned well and it's crispy outside and soft inside! I loved both the beef and fries actually! Salad was good too with the balsamic vinegar dressing! The scrambled eggs was cooked so well, better than MacDonalds or any other scrambled eggs I've tasted by far! The eggs can decide between scrambled and sunny side up as well. The lychee iced tea ($6) was just right as well. I had quite a wonderful meal overall.

The ambience of the cafe was very calm and laid back. A good place for people who would like to study. Even the staff was friendly and helpful, there were 2 who was very courteous to ask about our take on the food and everything. It was nice to have staffs who are concerned about their service and food. The only thing I found it disappointing was the menu, they could consider providing more varietu of food choices.

The lemak cili padi pasta with duck was good although it was very spicy for me! I would say, it would be more suitable for people who love spicy food. The lemak cili pasi flavour was very strong, and the gravy was just right, not too thick. The amount of duck given was more than expected as well. The arugula salad above the pasta as a finishing touch didn't work for me because I personally didn't like it. Presentation wise was not bad either.

My buddy had some chicken cutlet meal, forgotten what it was called. Nothing much, just like any ordinary chicken cutlet. Maybe the sauce makes it special. Served with salad and curly fries - something different?

The Bacon curly fries was dope!! As all our portion was quite huge, we ended up not being able to finish up the Bacon curly fries but we packed it back home. Great combination I must say!

Overall, it was a wonderful meal. Price wise was still acceptable and value for money to what was served 👍👍👍

So my good friend and I was supposed to have dinner @ The Ramen Stall, which is just next to Hyde & Co. But because there was a long queue, we decided to give Hyde & Co a try instead.

I ordered the Salted Egg Crayfish Mac & Cheese. I must say it's a creative dish which I doubt I can find anywhere else in sg? The cream is slightly thick but somehow it still tasted good? The crayfish was really fresh and the mushrooms were sufficient in the dish. The drink, My Fair Lady, was good!!! Probably because I loved Earl Grey Tea (:

The Chill Crab pasta.. was, sadly, just average. My friend didn't really enjoyed it because it was too plain. Nothing extraordinary about it. The drink was some Berry iced tea or something, which tasted sour to her LOL. The parmesan French fries was average as well.

The space in Hyde & Co. is quite small and cramped. There weren't much seats and many of us were seated quite close to other patrons. we could almost hear other peoples conversation? But I love the decoration, the staff was friendly & cheerful. And of course, I love black & white, so the cafe has this very minimalistic feel for me. Even though the portion was just right, I think the price was a bit on the higher price 😫

Overall, I'd rate 6.5/10. Thanks for the experience nonetheless (:
