haha, but met some lovely people through the event😊. #itriedtokeepalowprofile #failed #hahaha #moments #memorable #good#food#tea#feast #goodtimes #needaboxlikethis #dilmah
But good catch ups must always be complimented with good FOOD! (And today's food was definitely goooood😋). Thank you for the great company @shezzass!😘 #brunch #blessedwithfood #blessedwithawesomefriends #thankful #goodfood #greatcompany #happygirl
#dinner #Stillfeelingbloatedfromallthisyummyfood #VERYblessedwithfoodthough #nocomplaints😝 150214
Thank you (again!) for brunch (lunch? Hahaha!) yesterday, Markey🐰. #lategram #HoneyDewGreenTea🍵 #yummy #mybrotherfromthesameFather😊 120214
Super awesome time last night! Thanks for the "surprises" @jummmy93 hehe 💕 #movieAboutTime #dinner 😁👏 231013
Captain Cook's Cruise for lunch buffet, Sydney trip in early Jan:) #cruise #captaincook #blue #operahouse #Sydney #opera #house #blue #sea #water #vacation #lunch #buffet #instagram #photography #photograph
#cup #noodle #party at #lunchtime today! :D #yummy #nomnomnom #food #highschool #friends #fun
#Happy #Birthday, Kayoung! #cute #adorable #party #lunch #break #food #junkfood #highschool