For only Php 95 pesos you can enjoy black milk tea with black pearl. Yum! #milktea #agantea #blacktea

My brother tried this for a change. Great and healthy alternative for coffee. #agantea #smoothie #fruit #healthy

It's my Mom's first day as a housewife. This calls for a celebration!

For starters... #salad #japanese #vinaigrette

Lunch before Ace and May's wedding. This is a full meal already! #fries #latinamerica

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Look! EXO latte art! #EXO #latteart

All you can eat beef yakiniku, YO! #allyoucaneat #grill

Me time before D24 dinner. Look at the latte art. #latteart

Happy birthday, Darcy! #starwars # cupcaketopper #birthday