Last night was dinner with Manila bloggers at Marco Polo. Tonight will be another meetup dinner with Cebu bloggers at Lachi's! :) #kadayawan #kadayawan2013 #marcopolo #davao #davaobloggers #sweets #foodies #dinner #chicfoodie #lifeishere #happiness

Thank you for a good night! i love you mi familia <3 You're my everything! #algene2013 #gratitude

What you get from Friday's! They have the best bartenders :) Too early for these? #tgifdavao2 @tgifdavao

Thank you @officialstarbucksph for the notebook and free tall beverage coupons! So sweet :) 💋💄❤☺ More importantly, thank you for introducing me to new friends during the coffee seminar series! I love Mondays <3

Lunch before the flight. #momanddad #cousins

One of my favorite dishes from Bulgogi Brothers Korean BBQ Restaurant.

Cafe France Opening in Davao! :) #brunch #bloggerevent